Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Fan, A Patch Quilt and A Dishpan

This would be a bad way of impersonating Karnac the Magnificent, one of Johnny Carson's wonderful old skits with Ed Macmahon. The answer Karnac would "see" would be in the sealed envelope he held to his turbanned favorite answer was "Dippity Dew"-- The Question? "What forms on your dippity in the morning?"
My answer, "a fan, a patch quilt and a dishpan" goes with the question "What is your very first memory?" I would think that my memory could go back to a time when I was 2 or 3, couldn't it? That would be in 1953 or 1954 maybe. Surely research has been done to support the idea that young toddlers can recall certain images and experiences--I certainly recall vividly a hot afternoon lying on the living room floor of our house. I am lying on a green and orange quilt that I still have today in my bedroom. A green table top fan is blowing cool air across a white porcelain coated dishpan full of ice water onto my face. I think I am wearing some white underwear. My mom is looking down at me smiling as she leans across the quilt, allowing me to get the cool air. You tend to not notice until much later little niceties like getting the drumstick when she got the chicken back that was her "favorite piece". Dad giving me an allowance on Saturday when it emptied his wallet. How frustrated you were when your dad would take a nap in his green chair at lunch (and now you do the same thing everyday yourself). How impatient you were when your mom didn't clean her house like all the other moms first thing in the morning, and now you know what its like to have diabetes and be too tired to do anything. Life comes back around at you in a funny little way. I wonder how we would have Karnac answer another question..."what would you do differently?"

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